
Return Policy

Customer satisfaction is our top priority. If any of our products are not selling well in your shop, return them in good condition within three months. We will give you a full refund with our store credit.

All product descriptions and prices are made in good faith and shall be accurate to the best of our ability and knowledge. Any errors in descriptions or pricing will be rectified by us when brought to our attention. If a purchase is made based on an inaccurate description or is a manufacturer's quality issue, the full price, plus returned shipping cost (provided you give us your receipt) will be refunded.

If the return is not because of one of the above reasons, the customer will be liable for the cost of returned shipping of the product. All returned products must be in their original package and in good condition.

For all returns, we only refund store credit which can be used to buy anything in our store at any time.

To continue providing service excellence, we will review our policies occasionally and revise them accordingly. wegeTrading reserves the right to change our return policies at any time without notice, and they will take effect by the time of updating this web page.

Due to the ongoing rise in shipping costs, we regret to inform you that we must update our shipping policies. We will continue to offer free shipping for orders over $700. For...

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